The Benefits of Hemp Hearts: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Hemp hearts are an incredibly nutritious food derived from Cannabis sativa plant. Learn about their health benefits & uses in this article.

The Benefits of Hemp Hearts: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Hemp seeds are extracted from the Sativa plant and have a hard, walnut-like exterior and a soft interior.


are the name commonly given to the soft inside of that seed. While the terms are often used interchangeably, hemp seeds are rarely eaten because of their crunchy, hard shell, which loves to get stuck in your teeth. Hemp hearts, on the other hand, are the edible fruits of the famous plant “Cannabis Sativa” and have a mild nutty flavor.

They are highly nutritious and contain significant amounts of amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and gamma-linoleic acid. Hemp HEARTS are actually just hemp seeds without a shell or without a shell. No, they don't naturally contain CBD or THC, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Technically a nut, hemp hearts are often referred to as hemp hearts because of their soft interior.

They can be enjoyed raw, cooked, or roasted and can be added to smoothies, salads, pesto recipes, or used as a breadcrumb substitute in your favorite dishes. The anti-inflammatory properties of hemp could be the real source of its health benefits since it prevents damage to blood vessels and decreases the risk of heart disease. Their high levels of an amino acid called arginine make them a perfect food for those who have recently suffered a heart attack and for those trying to avoid it, since it reduces both blood pressure and the risk of forming blood clots. With just three tablespoons of hemp hearts, you'll get more than double the daily recommended amount of alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 that the body cannot produce on its own.

Animal studies have also shown that hemp seeds or hemp seed oil can lower blood pressure, lower the risk of blood clots, and help the heart recover after a heart attack. In addition, hemp hearts contain gamma-linoleic acid which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Hemp hearts belong to the “nuts and seeds” category of the modern food pyramid and will not adversely affect anyone with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. In conclusion, hemp hearts are an incredibly nutritious food that can be enjoyed in many different ways. They contain significant amounts of amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and gamma-linoleic acid which have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease.

Hemp hearts are also a great source of arginine which can reduce both blood pressure and the risk of forming blood clots.

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