Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis plants that has been gaining popularity due to its potential health benefits. It is being used to treat a variety of conditions, from anxiety and depression to chronic pain and insomnia. But what are the claims for CBD? Our analysis shows that pain, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders and stress are the four main therapeutic statements made about CBD, and constitute 31%, 67%, 27%, 11% and 13%, 77% of all medical statements made on Twitter respectively. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) does not enforce laws governing the permissibility of selling CBD products in interstate commerce.
However, they do regulate advertising claims about CBD products that are already on the market. Any claims about the health benefits of a CBD product must be supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence. The quantity and quality of those tests vary depending on the claim. In general, it states that a CBD product treats or prevents serious diseases or disorders or provides other health benefits similar to those of medications. If the advertiser is unable to gather such evidence due to regulatory or financial obstacles, then they should not make such claims.
It's also OK to make statements related to the effects of CBD on parts and systems of the body in general, such as claiming that it supports a healthy immune system or can be used for joint and muscle pain. For example, instead of saying that CBD can treat chronic fatigue, it could be said to improve mental alertness during the day. The standards for CBD products, such as herbal supplements, are based on manufacturers making ethical and honest claims. You cannot rely on the amount of CBD on labels unless it is evaluated by an independent party, such as the United States Pharmacopoeia Convention. In addition, you can't be sure that CBD is free of contaminants such as THC, pesticides, or heavy metals. We need more research, but CBD may prove to be a useful and relatively non-toxic option for controlling anxiety, insomnia and chronic pain.
Without enough high-quality evidence in human studies, we can't determine effective doses, and since CBD is currently generally available as an unregulated supplement, it's hard to know exactly what you're consuming. CBD is announced to alleviate anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is also marketed to promote sleep. Part of the popularity of CBD is because it purports to be “non-psychoactive” and because consumers can get health benefits from the plant without the euphoria (or midnight pizza cravings). Until there is better evidence that the most common uses are safe and effective, CBD will continue to be a product that lacks evidence to support claims of effectiveness for many conditions. The Federal Trade Commission recently requested that a CBD company be prohibited from broadcasting false or unfounded advertisements in connection with the sale of a product that supposedly treats, prevents, or reduces the risk of COVID-19 and products that purportedly treat cancer.
If this same post didn't have any hashtags that didn't comply with the regulations but contained a photo of the product, it would be considered an implicit statement of depression. Before making claims about the purported health effects of CBD products, advertisers need solid science to back up their claims. As long as it is not implied that CBD can treat or prevent diseases, statements related to temporary emotions are usually allowed. However, if you make any statements about structure and function, you should use an FDA disclaimer stating that “these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration”.A California case alleged that the defendant company had made false claims that CBD could help alleviate symptoms of autism and that it could treat diseases such as hepatitis, cancer, and Tourette syndrome. It's perfectly okay to make statements about how CBD can improve outer appearance without affecting body structure or function. Gone are the days when a CBD company could make statements of “health properties” or “diseases”, as the U.
S. Federal Trade Commission has cracked down on their “unsubstantiated” claims that the plant extract treats a variety of conditions, from pet anxiety and depression to cancer and opioid withdrawal. A New York case alleges false medical claims for marijuana and for violations of federal securities laws. This clearly demonstrates that the agency is taking a risk-based approach to compliance, so it's important to know which high-risk claims to avoid. The ads claim that it's perfectly safe and legal and that it can be used for anything that ails you or makes you feel mentally or physically uncomfortable. Cannabis products that state in their marketing materials that they are intended to be used for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of diseases must go through the FDA drug approval process for human or animal use before being legally marketed. A Massachusetts case alleged that many of the defendant's products had significantly lower levels of CBD than those advertised. In conclusion, while there are many potential health benefits associated with using CBD products, it is important to remember that these claims must be backed up by reliable scientific evidence before they can be made legally.
Furthermore, consumers should always ensure they purchase their products from reputable sources in order to guarantee quality control.