How to Tell When Hemp Hearts Have Gone Bad

Learn how to tell when hemp hearts have gone bad and how long they last with tips on storage and shelf life. Plus, discover the health benefits of hemp hearts.

Hemp hearts are a nutritious and delicious addition to any meal, but how do you know when they have gone bad? Once opened, a bag of hemp seeds can last up to one year in the refrigerator or freezer. If stored in a pantry, the shelf life is reduced to three to four months. If the seeds smell rancid, it is best to discard them. Hemp hearts can also be stored in freezer-safe bags and kept in the freezer.

Hemp hearts are packed with healthy fats, proteins, and nutrients. Varieties grown for seeds or fibers are cultivated closely together, resulting in a dense biomass product that is rich in seed oil and stem fiber and low in THC. Rocky Mountain Grain Hemp HeartsTM are better than organic ones because they come from a climate where the growing season is so short that there are no insects until the harvest is well developed. A study conducted in Canada found variations in THC levels in hemp seed products, with some brands containing amounts above the legal threshold.

Over time, hemp hearts can become fat and diabetic or starve of essential nutrients, leading to a loss of elasticity in veins and arteries. If taking certain medications, such as estrogen, ACE inhibitors or antihypertensive medications, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider before consuming hemp seeds. Hemp hearts are also a good source of zinc, providing approximately 3 mg per serving or approximately 20% of your daily needs. HEMP hearts are ideal for adding to soups just before serving.

They provide a nutty flavor and creamy texture that makes them an attractive addition to any dish. Reduced-fat flakes contain 35% fewer calories and 65% more protein than regular Hemp HeartsTM, making them an excellent choice for those looking to lose weight without sacrificing flavor. Allergic reactions to Cannabis sativa have been reported, although many studies investigate the part of the plant used for marijuana consumption (not hemp seeds).

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