Celebrating the Incredible Benefits of Hemp on International Hemp Day

International Hemp Day is celebrated on April 21st to recognize the incredible health benefits of the hemp plant. Learn more about its uses and benefits.

International HEMP Day is celebrated on April 21st to recognize the incredible health benefits of the hemp plant. Hemp is a fast-growing renewable resource that can help regenerate depleted soils, sequester carbons from the atmosphere, and help restore harmony between humans and the planet. It is different from the marijuana plant, as it has much lower amounts of THC, the part of cannabis that causes the high. The celebration of International Hemp Day has increased the availability to consumers of products made with hemp, such as CBD oil, plastics, biofuels, paint and insulation.

In addition to the chemical components of hemp, industrial hemp fibers are used in the manufacture of fabrics, ropes and many other useful things. The construction industry has started using hemp instead of concrete (known as hempcrete), as it is windproof and offers a lower carbon footprint. The rapid growth of industrial hemp makes it possible to grow two crops a year, so this uptake can be doubled. Some publications estimate that the hemp industry will become a multi-million dollar industry for the United States.

CBD is becoming ubiquitous, so it can be purchased in many places, but one place where you can buy it is CBDMD, the company behind National Hemp Day. In addition to its environmental benefits, hemp also offers nutritional benefits. One-third of hemp protein is in the form of albumin, which is also a high-quality globulin protein that is also found in egg whites. For thousands of years, those who understand the value of this crop have known the myriad uses of the hemp plant.

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