The Benefits of Cooking with Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are an excellent addition to any kitchen! Learn how you can cook with hemp seeds & reap their nutritional benefits - from salads & soups to vegan creams.

The Benefits of Cooking with Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are a great addition to any kitchen. Not only do they add a unique flavor to dishes, but they also provide a range of health benefits. Hemp seeds can be cooked in a variety of ways, including toasting, baking, and soaking. Eating hemp seeds won't get you high, but they are rich in essential fatty acids, protein, and fiber.

They can also be used as a thickening agent for vegan creams and have been linked to supporting normal and healthy heart function. For a crisper, roasted flavor, you can toast the hemp seeds in a skillet or in the oven. Golden seeds can be added to salads, soups, eaten as-is, or used as an ingredient for baking and cooking. Just don't cook hemp seed oil.

You will lose your nutrients, especially essential amino acids that break down at high temperatures. Hemp oil can be used in the kitchen to add nutritional benefits to your food, and it can also be applied topically to the skin. Studies have found that hemp seed oil can relieve symptoms of eczema and improve dry or itchy skin. Hemp seeds can be sprayed and used as a thickening agent for “vegan” creams. One of those amino acids that is abundant in arginine in hemp seed has been linked to supporting normal and healthy heart function. Eating them won't cause a person to get high; that's true no matter how many seeds a person can put on top of their avocado toast.

Hemp seeds are a great source of magnesium, which helps regulate the heartbeat and is linked to the prevention of coronary heart disease. While the fat content of hemp seeds comes primarily from their healthy essential fatty acids, eat them in moderation to meet the recommended daily intake of fat. Place the hemp seeds in a pot or bowl, cover them with three or four times the water and let them soak for 24 hours. Introducing hemp to your culinary repertoire can add unexpected flavor, and possibly even some health benefits, to your favorite dishes. Produced by removing oil from the seeds and grinding them to a fine consistency, the resulting high-protein hemp flour is much denser than standard varieties. For centuries, seeds have been used for oral and topical applications to treat and prevent certain health problems. Hemp seeds are rich in protein, fiber and fatty acids, so they are on par with other healthy seeds, such as pumpkin and flax.

Although related to the cannabis plant, hemp seeds have little or no of the psychoactive compound THC found in marijuana. The seeds can also be used as a substitute for breadcrumbs to coat fish or chicken, ideal for those of us with gluten sensitivity. Hemp hearts are created by removing the hard shell of hemp seed in a process known as “shelling” or “shelling”. Once you hear pops, turn off the heat and transfer the seeds to a container for storage, or immediately add them to your favorite foods, such as salads, yoghurts, oatmeal, chicken and fish. Cooking with hemp seeds is an easy way to add flavor and nutrition to your meals. Not only do they provide essential fatty acids and protein that are beneficial for your health but they also have been linked to supporting normal and healthy heart function.

Hemp oil can also be used topically on skin conditions such as eczema.

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